For Every $1 Spent on Email Marketing,
The Average Return On Investment is $22-$44

Grow Your Income, Sales &
Retention Of Customers

Enroll for the In-Detail Lead Generation & E-Mail Marketing Program

Queries: Contact The Team Mentor Mr. Shreyash - +91 89560 47186 | Mr. Rohit - +91 93689 22458

As Seen On:


"Very well known Internet Marketer & Business Mentor "Saurabh Bhatnagar" is an Internet & Business Legend" - Forbes

Email Marketing Is The #1 Medium
Of Revenue Generation Online


Email marketing is the #1 medium of revenue generation online. 

I am not saying so... 

The stats say so: 

>>> For every $1 you spend on email marketing,
you can expect an average return of $42

>>> Appsumo (8 figures USD company) says that 90%
of their revenue comes through emails.

>>> "Out of all the channels, I have tested as a marketer,
email continually outperforms most of them" - Neil Patel 

>>> Amazon (Internet Giant) generates the bulk of their
through emails.

The DMA National Client Email Report proves that: 

>>> 'One in five companies report an ROI of over 70:1 with Email Marketing'. 

>>> 49% of consumers said that they would like to receive promotional emails from their favorite brands on a weekly basis 


If I talk about my companies,
email marketing is our #1 go-to marketing channel & generates
60-70%of the revenue that we generate.

I hope that rings the bells for you... 

If you are not using email marketing to the fullest in your business,
you are losing out on Tons of Revenue!! 

Now The Million Dollar Question Is...
How Will You Generate Leads For Email Marketing

For you to be able to generate Powerful ROI through Email Marketing,
one thing that is supercritical is "the consistent inflow of targeted leads"
or we can call it "Lead Generation".

Just like you can't survive without OXYGEN. A business can’t survive without LEADS

How to get that? 

I would say that that it is pretty much equivalent to "science". 

Just like in science you develop methods to be able to do something over & over again.
Similar is the case with "Lead Generation".

Once you bring it down to science,
you are able to develop your methods for "Lead Generation" to be able to do it over & over again.

Just look at the stats below: 

"56,015 Leads in Last 30 Days"


"117,724 Leads in Last 60 Days"


Oh! And you will love this one... 

I ran a viral marketing campaign for 7 days. 


"25,537 Leads in 7 Days Without Doing a Single Ad Expense. 

Yes, 25,000+ Targeted Leads for Free!!" 

In fact, we would have easily crossed 30,000+ leads here, I had to stop the campaign on the final day because we were well above our target by then. 


Hope you get the point... 

Lead Generation is pretty simple if you know how to do it. 

My in-detail "Email Marketing & Lead Generation" program will help you get there. 

Queries: Contact The Team Mentor Mr. Shreyash - +91 89560 47186 | Mr. Rohit - +91 93689 22458

Here's What You Are Getting:

You are getting private access to my in-depth "Email Marketing & Lead Generation" program that will really set you apart & show you how to generate consistent powerful income that is not possible by doing anything else. 

The training includes topics like: 

Email Marketing:

  • check"The Foundation" - Exactly how to get started with Email Marketing in the right away. If this basic is done wrong, you can not expect any ROI online
  • check"The Big Player" - Your success with Email Marketing purely depends on how you play with this big giant email recipient. I will help you master this so you cannot fail
  • check"Terminology & Basic Lingo" - Many people make this mistake of considering email marketing to be as simple as just sending out one email. Well, you are mistaken. Email marketing is huge & there are so many things involved in the backend. I will help you understand the basic lingo & all the minor details so you become an advanced email player
  • check"7 Ninja Hacks" - The most important basic of email marketing is where your email is landing. If your email is landing in the "Spam" folder, it is as good as nothing. With the 7 ninja hacks, you will learn how to consistently land your emails in the "money-making folders". That's where you are in the game.
  • check"Open Nightmare" - The best of the best emails do not mean a thing unless they are "opened". An average business person receives almost 100-300 emails in a day. For your email to be opened, you need to do this one thing right & you will receive sureshot email opens every single time
  • check"7 Revenue Transformers" - I am gonna share with you 7 ultimate email open hacks that will blow you away. Remember, you can only generate revenue through email marketing when your emails are opened. This will ensure that you receive more than industry average email opens always
  • check"R******" - Simple 6 letters word that makes me 200%-300% extra revenue every time I send an email
  • check"Ultimate Hack" - I do this one clever thing that always keeps a blind eye check on my email marketing performance. Basically I am able to judge my email's performance from the eyes of my worst customer. If I am consistently doing well there, I know my email marketing is always gonna be profitable
  • check"Selling Emails" - how to write emails that compel your users to take action
  • check"Higher CTR" - My power-packed strategies that ensures you get massively high CTRs in your emails. It's a simple rule. High CTR = Higher Revenue. I will help you nail this one super important thing that would mean consistently higher returns from your every single email marketing campaigns
  • check"CTR Triumph" - I recently discovered this huge CTR hack while I was testing my campaigns. To my surprise, I was able to generate almost double CTR just by doing this. Heck, this includes zero extra effort. Pretty straightforward logic which I see nobody in the industry doing this
  • check"The One" - Besides just getting the opens & clicks, there is one HUGE role that email plays in the overall sales process. That's called "P*********". This is the ultimate thing. In fact, this is the only thing that seriously controls the outcome & performance of your email
  • check"The Unicorn" - I am gonna share with you a strategy that will blow you away. In fact, the amount that you will be paying for the program, you can pay the full amount just for knowing this "Massive Strategy". It is that level huge & massive. I have seen nobody in the industry doing this.
  • check"Crush Sequence" - There is a specific crush sequence that I follow to crush all my affiliate & email marketing promos. I told ya... email marketing is not some random set of emails, there is a huge science behind that. You will get to see my exact crush sequence strategy

Lead Generation

  • check"Lead Game" - What's there in it for them? That's the biggest equation. Once you get it, there is no way you cannot generate leads on complete autopilot...
  • check"One or Two-Sided Equation" - Many marketers make this mistake. They fail to understand that it is not a two-sided equation. It is a one-sided equation. The more other party feel like they are winning, the more you are in the lead gen & revenue game. I will help you make this a one-sided equation so that you make revenue while the other party wins
  • check"Maths" - You didn't expect it here? Did you? LOL
    Here's the thing... lead generation comes down to simple maths. This one single thing keeps my marketing, my sales forecasts, my sales projections & my overall performance & revenue in check. Not complicated. Very simple 2nd standard mathematics that you need to do before running any campaign.
  • check"Lead Generation Funnels" - When we talk about any form of online business, it cannot be complete without "Funnels". You will see my exact lead gen funnels that gets me leads on complete autopilot
  • check"Leads Everywhere" - Once your funnel is all setup after the instructions from the last step, I will show you how getting leads is a stupid-simple thing from every nook & corner of the internet

"Honestly, there is so much to write over here. 

Since I have explained so much inside the program. 

But instead of writing everything here, I will leave it to your simple understanding that I am doing 2,000-3,000 new targeted leads per day that too just via one single platform & consistently turning them into revenue. 

And there are so many other ways I consistently generate leads for my business. 

There are businesses that don't interact with these many leads even in an entire year. 

You don't want to be one of them!! 

I have broken down everything for you step by step & shared with you in a simple implementable way that even a 6-year-old can understand & start running profitable lead gen campaigns. 

All the secrets have been shared with you inside the program. 

Get in. Learn Everything. Take your business & revenue to the next level." 


You thought I am done, right? 

Hell no!!! 

None of my sales pages can be complete without talking about "Automation". 

I am a big-time "Automation" guy. 

Well, this is exactly what sets me apart from other average business owners & marketers. 

I will help you set up everything (most of it that's doable) on complete automation. 

Let me show you something: 


146 business automation that too in just one of my email autoresponders. 

Some people call that crazy!! 

I call it running a business without you doing the labor work all day long. 

It helps you run your business on autopilot. 

Generating revenue even when you are not working. 

Yeah, even in your sleep! 

I will show you my most profitable automations that are within the scope of this training. 

This includes automations like: 

  • Getting back your lost customers
  • Automation for increasing the average order value per sale 
  • Lifetime automation for increasing lifetime customer value

and more... 

There is so much you will get after you become a part of the "Email Marketing & Lead Generation" Program. 

Press the button below to get instant access. 

Queries: Contact The Team Mentor Mr. Shreyash - +91 89560 47186 | Mr. Rohit - +91 93689 22458

Huge Value Bonuses

Today when you will invest in this program, I will ensure that you remember this as the deal of a lifetime. 

Here are the massive value bonuses you will be getting along with your purchase today: 

1.) "Crush Campaign Sequence" - In one of the topics above, I have explained how to write crush sequences to dominate affiliate or any promo email campaigns. I am sweetening the deal for you. I will share with you my most profitable crush campaign ever that you can take inspiration from & use that as a framework whenever you write any crush sequence in the future 

2.) "Viral Campaign VIP Training" - I showed you the screenshot of my viral marketing campaign that generated 25,000+ leads in just 7 days. I did a step by step training for my inner circle VIP members in which I showed them the implementation of everything that I did in the backend to make that campaign successful. 

Today with your purchase, I will add that training as a bonus for you inside the members' area. 

3.) "Lifetime Money Saver" - While you get ready to crush your email marketing, I will help you get a recurring discount on the email marketing tool that I use myself. This simple bonus will pay you 100 times (or more) the amount that you will be paying today for the enrollment 

4.) "Full Value Discount" - I did these trainings originally for my "Timeline Domination" program members. Here's the deal for you. Whenever you are ready to become a part of the "Timeline Domination" program, I will waive off the full value that you will pay today from your enrollment price of "Timeline Domination". So essentially you are getting the program for absolutely free today 

5.) "2 Live Trainings" - I will be doing 2 live trainings exclusively for the enrolled members of this program to help you overcome any niggling doubts you might get while implementing the learnings. 

These trainings will be done on: 

- One before the end of June
- 2nd in the middle of July 

I have strategically planned them with a decent time gap in between so that you will get enough time to implement everything & you can get answer to your queries that you will be facing while doing real time implementation. 

It's time now you take action & master the most valuable direct sales communication channel on the planet.

Queries: Contact The Team Mentor Mr. Shreyash - +91 89560 47186 | Mr. Rohit - +91 93689 22458

Who Should Enroll & Who Should Not?

"Entrepreneurs know that email marketing when done right has the potential to bring in more revenue than any other marketing channel (4300% - according to the Direct Marketing Association)." 

If you literally sell anything online or offline, this program will benefit you!  

That is because you need leads to fill up your pipeline and my Email marketing strategies will help you convert them into sales.  

Plus backed up with my AUTOMATION strategies, you will be making your business work & generate revenue on complete autopilot.  

Armed with never shared before knowledge in this "simple to follow" program, you will be able to drive leads & convert them into loyal customers on demand! 

Affiliate marketers, eCommerce players, digital marketers, Coaches, offline marketers, local businesses, people in the health niche, model train niche, sports niche, fitness niche, Internet marketing niche, etc. You all can take advantage of this #1 form of direct sales channel on the planet. 

Who should NOT Enroll? 

If you are somebody who is in constant search of quick money-making schemes where the money comes by just pressing a button, well this program is not for you.  

To get any form of results online or offline, it takes efforts & hard work. My strategies are only going to clear the way for you & make things simpler for you. However, nothing is gonna happen until you are committed to putting in dedicated consistent action. 

Mode of Learning

  • checkYou Will Get Access To The Recorded Webinar Sessions Inside The Members' Area
  • check2 Trainings - 4 Hours Each
  • checkWatch At Your Own Pace
  • checkOnline Live Doc
  • checkPlus 2 Live Trainings
  • checkAdded Bonuses (mentioned above)

No Refund Policy

We offer "No Refund" policy for this program because we are supremely "confident" about this training & the results it has generated for us as well as for the businesses who have learned from SB's email & lead generation strategies. 

Anyone who implements all of these is bound to get results. Please enter only when you are committed to taking action. 

This training is not for thinkers who buy programs & then keep them hanging on their desks for months & years. 

Why You Must Sign Up Now

Waiting costs you two ways:  

First, the longer you go without knowing these secrets, the weaker you will be in all areas of your marketing. 

Second, the price will go up on this page pretty soon. 

Get signed up right now, and I will look forward to handing you over the single greatest advantage anyone online can possess! 

Queries: Contact The Team Mentor Mr. Shreyash - +91 89560 47186 | Mr. Rohit - +91 93689 22458

Here's What The Live Attendees Of This Training Said After The Session


New to SB?
Check out his Testimonials Vault here -

You are getting the "best of the best" education of the real value highest income-generating online skill. 

No online business should even think of scaling without these 2 things in place. 

You will discover exactly how to set up simple strategies that are focused around getting quality leads and converting them to customers who pay you again and again with the help of Email Marketing. 

There's a reason why statistics prove that email marketing has the highest ROI online (Up to 4300%). 

And yeah, it continually proves to be the biggest online revenue generation assets for my companies as well & so many other companies. 

Get started today to profit massively!! 

Enough Said Already... Take Action & Take Your Income
& Revenue To The Next Level

Queries: Contact The Team Mentor Mr. Shreyash - +91 89560 47186 | Mr. Rohit - +91 93689 22458

FAQs - Any niggling Questions on your mind?

Q.) What is the exact procedure for training delivery?

A.) Once you sign up today, you will receive your access in your email. 

The sessions are already pre-recorded & available for you to simply start learning from them. 

The best part about learning from pre-recorded sessions is that you can revisit any video anytime/anywhere. 

Plus, wherever you get stuck, you always have the option of watching the session again. 

Q.) This looks a really advanced program. Will I be able to grab all of it? 

A.) Question is do you want to remain an "average" marketer & business owner throughout your life? 

Yes, the concepts are advanced & that's the reason they possess the capability of changing your online business fortunes. 

You will start learning. If you find anything difficult, you always have the option of watching the session again. 

All the sessions have been super-simplified by Saurabh & everything has been taught with live practical demonstration. 

So you will never miss out anything. 

Queries: Contact The Team Mentor Mr. Shreyash - +91 89560 47186 | Mr. Rohit - +91 93689 22458

Here at Misfits Change Makers Private Limited, we make every effort possible to make sure that we accurately represent our products and services and their potential for income & results. Earning, income, and results statements made by our company and its customers are estimates of what we think you can possibly earn. There is no guarantee that you will make these levels of income and you accept the risk that the earnings and income statements differ by individuals. As with any business, your results may vary and will be based on your individual effort, business experience, expertise, and level of desire. There are no guarantees concerning the level of success you may experience.

The testimonials and examples used are exceptional results, which do not apply to the average purchaser and are not intended to represent or guarantee that anyone will achieve the same or similar results. Each individual’s success depends on his or her background, dedication, desire and motivation. There is no assurance that examples of past earnings can be duplicated in the future. We cannot guarantee your future results and/or success. There are some unknown risks in business and on the internet that we cannot foresee which can reduce results. We are not responsible for your actions. The use of our information, products and services should be based on your own due diligence and you agree that our company is not liable for any success or failure of your business that is directly or indirectly related to the purchase and use of our information, products and services.

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