One Funnel is all it takes...

Selling more products, getting paid subscriptions or generating High ROI - all it takes is One Funnel One Good Funnel

Earlybird - Enroll for the In-Detail Funnel Mastery Program

Earlybird Price - $497 $297

Queries: Contact The Team Mentor Mr. Shreyash - +91 89560 47186 | Mr. Rohit - +91 93689 22458

Good Funnel means Great Business

1.) AdsCrisp - 20%+ Launch Time Funnel Conversions | $250,647 Revenue


2.) StockKosh Funnel - 17.62% Funnel Conversion | $86,282 Revenue


3.) Communication Mastery - Consistent $10,000+/week (300% Scaling every month)


4.) OptinChat - 11.52% Funnel Conversion | $90,647 Revenue

+Add Element
+Add Element

5.) Live Suite Pro - 3.28% Funnel Conversion | $127,746 Revenue


6.) IVS - 9.05% Funnel Conversion | $14,713 Revenue

+Add Element
+Add Element

7.) LetSpinio - 9.43% Funnel Conversion | $97,177 Revenue


Queries: Contact The Team Mentor Mr. Shreyash - +91 89560 47186 | Mr. Rohit - +91 93689 22458

Hear from the best of the lot...


"touch your first million dollars"

"If you are looking to get started or if you are looking to go today from where you are to touch your first million dollars, you wanna learn from people like Saurabh.

Somebody who was exactly where you are right now, and now is at a place at exactly where you wanna be.. so for everybody to get your courses, your trainings would be great"

Anthony Morrison, Founder -


"Elevated my video business"

"After attending many trainings with Saurabh Bhatnagar, he helped me to gain more skills and important marketing tips. This was beneficial to me in elevating my video business to grow and expand within a very short period of time. Saurabh's experience and knowledge would be a great help to any online marketer or entrepreneur looking to up their success!"

Lynn Brown, Founder - BizAds4u


"$80,000 in my bank account"

"Saurabh can literally change your business in a few minutes
Learning practical implementation from him per minute was like an 'aha' moment. Can't say it strongly enough better than 80K+ was added in my account just by the virtue of a single funnel made by him"

Reshu Singhal, Founder - HowdyAds.Com & Grafikky.Com


"Business funnel that never failed"

"I had got many idea on whats going on with my business and what can I do to develop more and more income.
Before this I was strrugling in making my own sales and marketing funnel but it never work so well until I got clear about what I am doing. Thanks to the training. Its work so well and now im striving to achieve my next 7 figures in 3 months due. Tq Saurabh."

Azriel Qushairi, Marketing Director at Mekanik Bisnes

Read what Top Marketer 'Victory Akpomedaye' said about
"My Single Piece of Advice" in between of his Product Sale


Queries: Contact The Team Mentor Mr. Shreyash - +91 89560 47186 | Mr. Rohit - +91 93689 22458

Funnel Mastery

A successful business has two distinct parts. The product itself, and the funnel the product lives in.

A good product with a great funnel can do well.

A great product with a good funnel can do well.

Yet a great funnel with a great product isn’t just a small, incremental improvement. It’s exponential. It’s life changing. It’s when you put 1 and 1 together and you don’t get 2… you get 11.

With the right product and the right funnel, there probably isn’t anything you can’t accomplish in your business and in your life. True.

I am obsessed with becoming the best at the actual funnel creation… and I’m going to pull out every secret of this that I can. I promise you will find such life-transforming information inside this program that has the potential to change your business overnight.

You con't even imagine what transformation can this bring in your business!

Nothing is off-topic or out of bounds. I’m in this to teach you up to the best of my knowledge...

To reveal as much as possible about profit producing funnels.

Here Is Just A Taste Of the Secrets Revealed On The Funnel Mastery Trainings:

Module 1 - Supreme Essentials of a Funnel:

  • Lead Magnet - The entry point
  • Tripwire - Winning the trust barrier
  • Core Product - Your first sale out of many
  • Upsells - Profit multipliers

Module 2 - Concepts:

  • Pricing Strategy #1 - Proven to increase average order value - This single ninja hack took a dying funnel from $50K to $90K in a matter of just 2 days
  • Pricing Strategy #2 - Re-capture almost 40% of the lost sales
  • Traffic Temperature - Segmenting your audience for accurate results
  • Thank You Page - The start of the funnel
  • Know your numbers - Average Order Value | Conversion Numbers

Module 3 - Sales Funnel

  • Strategy for creating a winning sales funnel - Winning sales funnel is all about getting in maximum customers possible at the price we want while generating 5X times revenue - this same strategy has resulted in generating over $1.2 Million Dollar in sales yearly
  • Pricing Strategy - A 3-Part formula you can use to easily (and persuasively) sell almost anything.
  • Front End - Face of your funnel (the absolute no-brainer offer)
  • Upsells - Profit multipliers (increasing the average revenue per sale)
  • Bump Offer - This tiny little secret can take care of your complete advertising budget
  • Downsells - Often ignored hidden gem of a funnel. Known to add at least 20% of extra revenue that too
  • Average Order Value - How to play with average order value - meaning I will show you how you can generate more revenue from a single sale than you were previously from 5 sales combined

Module 4 - Webinar Funnel

  • Strategy for creating a winning webinar funnel
  • Strategy 1 - Value driven webinar funnel (Almost 100% ensures that you run a profitable webinar)
  • Strategy 2 - Straight pitch webinar funnel (Super profitable webinars right out of the gate)

Module 5 - List Building Funnel

  • Strategy for creating a winning list building funnel
  • Lead magnet - Successful creation, deployment & delivery of a high value lead magnet (along with info of necessary tools)
  • eBook - Easy supreme quality eBook creation (completely hasslefree)
  • Reports - Next level super actionable lead magnets (your audience will become your fan)
  • What kind of lead magnets work VS the ones that Fail every single time

Module 6 - Book Funnel

  • Step by step breakdown of creating a winning book funnel
  • Best value strategy
  • Successful book funnels examples - detailed breakdown
  • Playing on average order value - 6X ROI book funnels

Module 7 - FB™ List Building Funnel

  • FB™ list building strategy - the ONLY FB List building strategy you need to learn first to potentially 2X your lead gen numbers with the same amount of budget
  • Advanced integration - makes it super easy to run FB™ funnels - almost 99% of marketers doing FB™ list building have failed because of not doing this
  • What kind of lead magnets work VS the ones that Fail every single time

Queries: Contact The Team Mentor Mr. Shreyash - +91 89560 47186 | Mr. Rohit - +91 93689 22458


Module 8 - Automated Webinar Funnel

  • Automated Webinar Funnel Winning Strategy
  • The 'Must-Have' - The one thing that almost guarantees your chances of succeeding
  • Step by Step Implementation of a Successful Webinar Funnel
  • Best value tools - All resources required to run an Automated Webinar Funnel

Module 9 - Low Ticket Sales Funnel

  • Winning Strategy for creating a low ticket sales funnel
  • Best practices of Zero price point barrier, easy funnel entry
  • How a Good Funnel can turn a low ticket sale into a high ROI machine

Module 10 - Bootcamp Funnel

  • Proven bootcamp funnel winning plan
  • The massive value bootcamp
  • Winning strategic profit multipliers
  • Bootcamp funnels are super profitable (when implemented strategically) - we will go deep into creation of a super profitable bootcamp funnel

Module 11 - Viral Marketing Funnel

  • 10X Virality Game - Turn 1 lead into multiple leads (with zero involvement - all automated)
  • The perceived value game - how to create Viral elements
  • Step by step breakdown of all super-viral elements
  • This module will show you the exact steps of how to run a viral marketing funnel that gives you leads at 100X Pace and super profitable ROI

Module 12 - Membership Funnel

  • Membership funnels are proven winners in ANY niche
  • Step by step breakdown of one of our super profitable membership funnels
  • Winning plan & strategic elements of membership funnel
  • The essential 'Must Have(s)'

Module 13 - The Profit Module

  • Sell, sell & sell - without being pushy
  • Knowing your numbers - the only thing that's gonna make you profitable
  • Back & forth sales formula

Why You Must Sign Up Now

Waiting costs you two ways:
First, the longer you go without knowing these secrets, the weaker you will be in all areas of your marketing.

Second, the price will go up in the future for Funnel Mastery…

Get signed up right now, and I will look forward to handing you over the single greatest funnel advantage anyone online can possess!

Queries: Contact The Team Mentor Mr. Shreyash - +91 89560 47186 | Mr. Rohit - +91 93689 22458

Saurabh Bhatnagar

P.S. If you skipped down to the bottom, here it is in a nutshell:

You are getting the best-of-the-best funnel education. You learn, you implement & get the desired results from it. There is nothing that can stop you from 10Xing your business after learning from Funnel Mastery.

I will share my best funnel secrets… and if you don’t find your results "overwhelming", then just contact us at within 180 days, and you’ll have spent nothing.

So sign up now risk-free.

"10X Your Funnel...
Or You Pay NOTHING!"

Would you pay $297 to 10X your funnel?

Inside this priceless online program, you'll get to spend 25+ hours with Saurabh Bhatnagar, one of the world's top funnel experts.

This is how it works...

Step #1 - you enroll right now to reserve your spot.

Step #2 - you attend the 25+ hours of workshop series with Saurabh Bhatnagar.

Step #3 - within 180 days of the implementation of your learnings from the program, if you haven't got 10X the ticket price, then just email us at ( and you won't have to pay a dime.

Queries: Contact The Team Mentor Mr. Shreyash - +91 89560 47186 | Mr. Rohit - +91 93689 22458

We Also Want To REWARD You
With a Huge Bonus

When You Enroll in 'Funnel Mastery' Today!


Readymade Funnel Templates - Simply Import My
Funnel Templates as Your Own

Not sure if it can get Bigger than this.

All the templates kind I will show you inside Funnel Mastery...

... I will give them to you in the exported format.. which you can simply import & use.

Yes, it will include every single template I will show you inside the training.

Yes, it will include every single funnel type I mentioned above.

I have made my templates in a way that they CONVERT.

And I have worked, re-worked on my copy & perfect position of Call to Actions to perfect them.
And it's all yours for Free.

My OWN Handmade Perfectly Optimised Conversion Driven Templates - Use Them in your Funnels & In Your Business.

Value - Can't really put a value on these 100% Perfectly Crafted Conversion Driven Templates. They are PRICELESS in reality. One Good Converting Funnel Implemented By You Can Make Up For The Entire Cost You Will Pay Here. Get Them For Free While You Can.

Mode of Learning

  • Recorded Webinar Sessions
  • 3 Hours Each
  • Live Funnel Creation
  • Online Support Portal

Ironclad 180-Days Refund Policy

We are so much "confident" about this training that if you are not "overwhelmed" with the results after implementing your learnings from the program, we will give you "immediate" refund within 180 days of your enrollment.

We are about to "overwhelm" you with content & practical implementation that being just "happy" will not satisfy us either.

If, however, you feel the training was not worth tens of thousands of dollars to you… or it was 4 out of 5 stars, instead of 6 out of 5 stars… then you have 180 days after the training to drop us a line at

Our sole aim is to make profitable funnel creation an "easy-going" task for YOU & you will see that inside the program.

FAQs - Any niggling Questions on your mind?

Q.) What is the exact procedure of training delivery of Funnel Mastery?

A.) Once you sign up today, you will receive your access in your email.

All the sessions are already pre-recorded & available for you to simply start learning from them.

The best part about learning from pre-recorded sessions is that you can revisit any video anytime/anywhere.

Plus, wherever you get stuck, you always have the option of watching the session again & again.

Q.) You will be sharing multiple funnels, which one should I implement?

A.) Depends solely on you.

We will tear down in front of you all the key insights of running a profitable funnel of all types.

Now it's your turn to implement either/all of them as per your business.

Q.) This looks a really advanced program. Will I be able to grab all of it?

A.) Question is do you want to remain an "average" marketer throughout your life.

Yes, the concepts are advanced & that's the reason they possess the capability of changing your online business fortunes.

You will start learning. If you find anything difficult, you always have the option of watching the session again.

All the sessions have been super-simplified by Saurabh & everything has been taught with live practical demonstration.

So you will never miss out anything.

Q.) Funnel Mastery guarantees my success?

A.) If you are a serious entrepreneur, you already know the answer is no.

Neither us nor anyone else can guarantee you your success. Your success solely comes down to your efforts and the number of hours you put in your funnel's success.

What we do know is "One Good Successful Funnel is all what it takes for a Lifetime of Riches" and we are going to breakdown in front of you how you can run it for your business. However, the implementation is purely in your hands.

Queries: Contact The Team Mentor Mr. Shreyash - +91 89560 47186 | Mr. Rohit - +91 93689 22458

Here at Misfits Change Makers Private Limited, we make every effort possible to make sure that we accurately represent our products and services and their potential for income & results. Earning, income, and results statements made by our company and its customers are estimates of what we think you can possibly earn. There is no guarantee that you will make these levels of income and you accept the risk that the earnings and income statements differ by individuals. As with any business, your results may vary and will be based on your individual effort, business experience, expertise, and level of desire. There are no guarantees concerning the level of success you may experience.

The testimonials and examples used are exceptional results, which do not apply to the average purchaser and are not intended to represent or guarantee that anyone will achieve the same or similar results. Each individual’s success depends on his or her background, dedication, desire and motivation. There is no assurance that examples of past earnings can be duplicated in the future. We cannot guarantee your future results and/or success. There are some unknown risks in business and on the internet that we cannot foresee which can reduce results. We are not responsible for your actions. The use of our information, products and services should be based on your own due diligence and you agree that our company is not liable for any success or failure of your business that is directly or indirectly related to the purchase and use of our information, products and services.

This website is in no way affiliated to Facebook or any Facebook entities. Once you leave Facebook the responsibility no longer is on their site. If you have any questions feel free to use the contacts provided above to get in touch with our team.

Copyright © FlexiFunnels - All rights reserved.